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Arm Yourself With Wisdom

Join others in learning about jesus, business and manhood through insights & lessons life has taught me. I'll send you my honest self-assessment tool to start fixing your life if you join now.

How I Made & Lost 200k as a 21 Year Old High School Dropout (most painful lessons)

You’re still a loser, because you lack wisdom.

If that sentence irritated you, good. I’m speaking to my old self here.

From my earliest memories, I always remember seeking wisdom. The archetype of the wise old man always fascinated me.

Being a kid though, I was oblivious to the fact that wisdom comes with suffering. Arguably even obtained through suffering.

But wisdom has also sought me too. I come from the most dangerous city in the world and had to suffer through periods of extreme confusion, deprivation & despair at a very young age.

Seeing mutilated bodies is a strange experience that gets imprinted in your subconscious.

The following picture from many years ago is still vivid in my mind. ‘Looking down from my balcony at an old and rusted suzuki truck slowly passing by, cutting through traffic.

Streets are buzzing yet no one is looking with any degree of awe or disgust appropriate for the situation.

Bodies stacked on top of each other in the back of the truck. Blood is everywhere, arms ripped apart, legs blown off and stomachs are open. And the smell… (deep exhale) the smell.’

This experience amongst many others formed my childhood and early teens. So it’d be fair to say that I’ve stacked up a few trauma’s in my life. Jesus, my lord and savior, is however helping me navigate these & heal from them.

These trauma’s, however, have all transformed me into a tougher, more resilient & dangeours opponent to life. Leading us to the first lesson and the bitter-sweet paradox of life.


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